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제목The Constant Mindfulness is Key. 마음챙김 게을리 말아야지. (國英詩本)2022-12-01 19:32
작성자 Level 8
첨부파일The Constant Mindfulness is Key. 마음챙김 게을리 말아야지. (國英詩本_JBANG).pdf (252.4KB)

The Constant Mindfulness is Key.


Just as neglecting a garden

leads to it being overrun with weeds,


failing to practice mindfulness of one's own mind

allows the proliferation of wandering thoughts

in the garden of the mind.


The mind isn't something we own.

However, it's something we must take responsibility for.


It needs to be watched consistently.






내집 정원, 내집 텃밭

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잡초로 뒤덮이듯이



지켜보지 않으면

마음뜰(心園) 마음밭(心田)

번뇌망상 무성해진다.


흐르는 마음

자신의 것 아니지만

감당해야 할 그 무엇이 아니던가?


마음 챙김 게을리 말아야지.







첨부파일 참고 바랍니다.

心月 合掌.